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Family Reunion

Well new comp, new cambio (transfer), great week. This week was cambios. My new companion, Elder Petien, is amazing! But I don't have photos of him. Sorry… next week. Things in Bella Vista have been slow, but our work and patience is starting to pay off. I didn't Skype my family this Christmas. I Skyped new years eve because that was when Grace was going to be home. It was really good to see my family, and Grace. It was kinda weird that this time I was on the other side of the screen and Grace was with the family. For all of you future missionaries, spend more time with you families before your misión, because after it will be different. Good, but different. Our tiny Bella Vista branch isn't actually that small. The branch list probably has more people in it than my ward back at home. Our goal has been to work with the minus activos (less actives) and rescue them, so the branch can be a ward. The problem is, addresses don't exist here and no one knows how to give directions haha, but the members know where everyone lives. We have been trying so hard to have members with us in our lessons but they won't. This week has been great because we have been able to have a member with us almost every day to accompany us. The language is coming well. I can understand almost everything people say, depending on the subject. The gift of tongues is real. Before the misión I had the hardest time in Spanish class. When we pray for blessings, and work for them, the Lord always blesses us. I love hearing all about what is going on in your lives. I would love to get some more emails… or possibly… Letters. :) Sé que la iglesia es verdadera. Sé que cuando nosotros tenemos obediencia, recibimos bendiciones. Dios nos ama, mediante su hijo, Jesucristo, todos podemos vivir con dios otra ves. Por los manos de el, nos expio para nuestros pecados. Te amo Jesucristo. La propósito de un misionero es de invitar al las personas a venir a Cristo. Como ha ensenado la evangelio y ha invitado la gente aquí de venir a cristo. Yo ha viendo la mano de Jesucristo me cambio.

(I know that the church is true. I know that when we are obedient, we receive blessings. God loves us. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, we all can live with God again. He atoned for our sins. I love Jesus Christ. The purpose of a missionary is to invite people to come unto Christ. As I have taught the gospel and have invited the people here to come unto Christ, I have seen the hand of Jesus Christ change me.) I encourage all people to serve missions. You will never do anything so important in your life, and no other thing you can do on this earth can change your life so much. Our time, hearts, and desires are the only thing we can give back to nuestro salvador (our Savior) Jesucristo. The time to prepare for your missions is now. I have seen missionaries here try to leave on their missions having not prayed regularly, having not read the scriptures, and honestly not really having a testimony. When you don't do these things NOW you are cutting yourself short. And you can not be an effective missionary until you do these things. I love you all, friends and family, and I hope to hear more from you in the coming weeks.


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