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Dia del Peatón

I hope you all enjoyed your general conference! I sure enjoyed mine. Here in Bolivia conference was a little different because it was El Día del Peatón (Pedestrian Day). It is one of many days throughout the year where they basically shut down the city and everyone walks and rides bikes all over the place. Basically, it is contacting heaven. Everyone is in the street and everyone seems to be open to hear about God. For small business owners, it is the perfect day to set up booths in the middle of the street. We decided to make juice and give it out free in the street. It probably made several people mad because we were taking away their business, but It was great for contacting. Literally we only had Juice for 15 minutes and gave several references. It was crazy successful, and is like a missionary adrenalin rush! So if we were not watching conference, we were running around the streets with big tables and juice getting ready.

If you serve in Cochabamba, every three months you get the chance to go to the temple. It had been over a year since I had done a session. Wow it was nice. We in Utah are so blessed to always have a temple so close to us, and we often take it for granted.

General Conference was such a help to me, and helped me focus more on the basics, but what hit me more than anything was two scriptures that were quotes several times in every session of conference.

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

We often complicate the gospel, but if we really think about it is so simple and so wonderful. Our father in heaven loves us sooo much that he sent us his son who gave us his wonderful atonement, so if we believe in him, we can have eternal life. Believing is not believing if there is not trust involved. We believe that the stove is hot because we trust what our parents told us; but even then, children still put their hands on the stove and burn themselves. If we believe in Christ we trust in him and that if we repent and obey, we can one day have eternal life. That brings me to the second scripture that I heard several times quotes.

Proverbs 3:5

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding”

Do we really trust in the Lord? Do we lean into our own understanding? Putting trust in the lord means putting every down on the line. That takes a lot of trust. Putting down all our sins, trials, pains down on the line is not an easy task and requires faith.

Con todo lo que ha pasado Dios está estirando mis límites. Y mi confianza en dios estaba en prueba. Yo sé cuándo confiamos en el señor en TODO nos cambia nos fortaleza. Estoy agradecido por mi salvador y redentor Jesucristo y sé que él nos pone en prueba porque nos ama.

Elder Heaps

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